The day started like any other day, but it didn’t stay that way. I had intended to work on a sewing project and had transformed the dining room table into a makeshift sewing center. My sewing machine was on one end, fabric and patterns strewn about. I needed to make a trip to a sewing store to pick up “thingies” for my project. Then I remembered Tim intended to go shopping for mattresses.

Several months ago, we picked up a set of bunk beds for the halfling, but his old bed had only one mattress. When Random and Grayson heard that there was an adventure being planned, they wanted in. This created a logistical problem. Particularly since Grayson’s brother had arrived at base camp the day before and stayed for the night.
In order to fit the mattresses in the new transport (that thing really needs a name), all the seats had to be laid down. This means no passengers fit in that transport. We also had to take Grayson’s brother to his base camp while en route. The solution? Take two transports.
The party piled into my transport and we headed out, leaving Tim to prep his own transport for the trip. We dropped off Grayson’s brother and traveled to the rendezvous point. We needed food before we could tackle the idea of shopping. The large sign came into view before the building. We knew this would be a challenge when we realized the number of other transports nearby. I had forgotten the mages like to meet over food after their weekly training. I gathered our group, and we went in search of food.
The tavern is a large place that teases people by placing the cakes and pies in a windowed case at the entrance. A hostess asked about our party and went in search of seating. Tim arrived as we waited. More amusing than that was a party of 20 arrived unannounced looking for seating. This is the sort of thing I find amusing for all the wrong reasons. If your party is that big, then contact the location with as much notice as possible so they can accommodate the group.
My amusement with the large party was short-lived. The hostess lead us to our table before the other party sorted out thier situation. The food was good, but during the meal we discovered Random and Grayson had a side quest they wanted to complete. After the meal, I left Tim to settle up with the tavern keeper and I took the rest of the party. We would meet again at the store.
I dropped off Random and Grayson on their side quest, then the halfling and I traveled on. We arrived at the store to find Tim in the checkout line. He must have teleported to have gotten there so fast. He took the mattresses to the car and returned to the store so we could finish our shopping.
Once finished, we picked up Grayson and Random from their side quest and headed home, where the entertaining task of getting the mattresses onto the bunk beds begun.
To read about our other adventures in Nancyland, please click here.