On the morning of the Frost Moon Feast, the wind whipped what was already a freezing day into one where the thermometer dropped to a single digit. My phone warned me the weather would turn frosty, but I hadn’t actually thought through what that meant. AS a result, I didn’t think to leave the tap dripping when I went to bed. We woke up to no water. Luckily nothing had burst, and we sprinkled space heaters around to warm up the walls where the pipes were. Several hours later, we gave up on getting water back in enough time to prepare for the Full Moon Feast, so we journeyed to my mother-in-law’s house to get a shower.
Upon our return, we discovered the cold water had resumed, but the hot water was still eluding us. But we didn’t have time to deal with the water issue. The feast was in a few hours and I still hadn’t decided what to wear. A few years back, Tim and Corwin signed on as crew for the Hitting and Stabbing Emporium. Their love of pointy objects meant they fit in well with the others who manned the sword fighting, archery, and axe throwing stations. They were so well liked that we occasionally receive invites to events they attend. Here, it was the Frost Moon Feast hosted by Mythical Journeys.

We weren’t really sure what the feast entailed, other than dinner and a show. Never the less, I was excited to attend an event where I didn’t have to hide my ears. A feast sounded somewhat formal, so I was at a loss about what to wear. Grayson helped me and as we went through my options, none of which are very faerie formal, I quickly discovered that most of my clothing no longer fit. It was an annoying realization.
Eventually we settled on a grey dress with black lace trim and wine colored leggings. A leaf inspired chunky necklace, earrings, and black ankle boots dressed up the ensemble while still allowing me mobility if needed. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and even wore a bit of makeup. I know it’s weird, right? (My corset didn’t go with my outfit, so I purchased the wine colored one at the feast.)
Tim and I arrived at Bill Miller’s Castle a few minutes early. A large stone and wood building glowed from the lanterns hung strategically to show off its beautiful architecture. The interior mimicked the exterior with stone and woodwork that rivaled the castles of Europe. The lobby area opened to a large room prepped with tables for the feast. A silver covered head table with velvet chairs made me wonder who would join us for the feast. A loft area held more tables, and behind the tables, several vendors sold their wares.
After checking in, Tim and I browsed the vendors, who sold a variety of items from beautiful jewelry to adorable ghost houses to sweet artwork. We browsed the vendors for a while and eventually found the rest of our group. The organizers had seated the entire Hitting and Stabbing Emporium in the loft. We had a lovely view of the tables below and a good vantage point to see the head table.

Fresh fruit, vegetables, and cheeses were out for us to nibble on as chatted before the start of the event. Then, with a loud announcement, the Empress Alethea Araceli Sylvianne was introduced. We were all instructed to stand for her entrance, and when she settled at the head table with her consort and Lord Mercurius Aravind, the purpose of the meeting was revealed. As it was faerie business, I won’t go into details, but it was an intriguing meeting with lots of eye-opening revelations.
I am not usually privy to the goings on of the unseelie court. To be honest, it shocked me to discover where I was and who I was with. As the business of the meeting continued, the feast of chicken, beef, and other delights proceeded. The food was delicious, as it always is at a faerie event. At the end of our feast, we had brownies and cookies. We then returned to faerie business until our dismissal back to our own realms.
It was an enjoyable evening, which we may attend again – even if there is something unsettling about being among the unseelie fae.