It’s the last day of March and all my power-ups will wear off soon. I’ve only been level 50 for a week, but it’s been a ride so far. Tim and I were both cursed with a plague for the last week, which forced us to reschedule some of our adventures. But not all of them. Before the plague settled in, we celebrated my achievement by seeing the bard, Jim Daly, perform. The man is hysterical. He and his wife joined Tim and me for dinner at one of the fancier eateries after the show. Jim opened for another bard, Jim Spinnato, at a local tavern. It wasn’t a place I had been before.

My guild held a celebration for me and another member who both leveled up this month. The guild pulled together to make some of our favorite treats. They made me lemon cake with lemon icing and I was in lemon heaven. The baker in our guild beautifully decorated it with small flowers and fancy swirls in the icing. I snacked on the leftovers for the rest of the week. The other person had a chocolate and peanut butter concoction that several of the guild members enjoyed. Our next guild adventure involves plastic eggs and everyone bringing food.
This weekend the calendar rotates and time moves on. I can’t wait to see what adventures this will bring.