I’ve been experimenting a lot this past year with my website. I decided that this year I will focus on my writing and the not quite fictional world known as Nancyland. If you follow my Instagram, then you know about Nancyland and the antics within. If not, here’s a summary.
When I was in college, one of my professors told me I lived in Nancyland after hearing some stories about my life. It wasn’t the first time someone told me I lived there. A longtime friend had also used the phrase. When that same professor mentioned that we, as writers, need a social media presence, I wasn’t sure how written words would translate into an image-based platform. Then I realized my life was the story, and I became the main character of my RPG. Officially launched in 2021, I combined my storytelling with my life and created #NancyRPGLife.
Since I was a child, I would create stories. I never wrote them down. I didn’t want to be judged for them. Instead, I would act them out in my room, creating scenes. Later, I learned this was called fanfiction. As I got older, the skills of storytelling I developed as a child affected how I relayed information to other people. Pretty soon, my own life started sounding like a story whenever I recounted an event. And to be honest, some things in my life sound more like fiction than fact.
At first, I was content with this idea as a fun, creative exercise. As a writer, I quickly realized that I had some stories that I wanted to expand on. Thus, this journal style blog was born. (That and no one was reading my articles on writing anyway).