The house is quiet, which is a stark contrast to the chaos that was yesterday. The morning began early as our quest was taking us farther than we usually traveled. We were driving to the coast, but not to see the water. We were driving to see the healer. Her office used to be closer, but she moved to another town. Since she can handle the craziness that is our traveling party, we decided it was better to follow her than to find someone else who could manage us.

The trip was quiet as the older children were still mostly asleep for it. The halfling had wisely packed his magical device that kept him occupied for the journey. We sought the purple door and found it at the end of a long road. At the shop, the shopkeeper greeted us and helpfully informed us of the new layout. This was good, as Random had lost his previous pair of spectacles in a challenge for dominance. If memory serves, he won the challenge.
The gatekeeper, a friendly man, provided us with the usual documents to fill out. With the changes to our party over the last year, there were more than the unusual number of documents. Once the documents were done, we ventured one by one to have the healer do her usual tests and check that we did, in fact, know our letters. This has always been a curiosity for me. Having a healer check my knowledge of letters. As we finished, she gave us our individual parchments with little numbers written on them. We presented them to the shopkeeper, and he went over the options we had.
Random and Grayson each picked out spectacles. My own need to be updated, but my preference of outrageous eyewear was a bit much for the modest shop. The halfling, who did not need spectacles, had already fallen in love with a pair. We discussed getting him a pair to shield his eyes from the sun, but Tim said no.
With that adventure over, we set out to find food. The Black Sheep (seriously, that the actual name of the restaurant), was nearby. A quaint building with a cozy interior done in dark woods and classically Irish green made a nice place to eat. The menu was classic Irish fair, and we all enjoyed it. Although, I may never get the song about Daisy out of my head.
Once our stomachs were full, we head towards home base before the next leg of our adventure began. A quick stop over to drop off Random and Grayson, then we were off again. A gathering of halflings was being held in a local arena. The halflings were all fitted with similar weapons and sent off. Sometimes, they operated as teams to vanquish each other. A few times they had a free for all. When that challenge was over, they moved on to a challenge of physical prowess. They followed this up with food, cake, and a lot of bouncing. I should note that Tim did not stay for the halfling event, instead choosing to check out nearby shops for foodstuffs.
This type of gathering is an annual event for the halflings, with one of them being the halfling of honor at each event. When the shenanigans concluded for the evening, it was time for dinner (for the rest of us as the halfling had eaten his fill), then bed.
You are a great writer.